Every time, when I have a lot to consider, I fall back on crochet. This week there was a lot of things, so I made few pair of earrings:
I've got also a bookmark and mini-napkins, but I have to starch them, so I'll show them next time.
Zrobiłam coś głupiego. Świadomie. Nie wiem już dlaczego i po co.
A teraz powinnam być w łóżku, a nie siedzieć przy komputerze.
I did sth stupid. Advisely. Right now, I don't know why and what for.
And now I should be in my bed, not sit ahead the monitor.
Na dobranoc pochwalę się jeszcze słoiczkami, jeden zrobiony dawno temu, drugi - zielony, w ferie, na warsztatach decoupage'u w bibliotece.
For 'goodbye' I'm going to boast of jars, one of them was made long time ago, second - green one, during the holidays, at decoupage workshops in libraty:)
Jak zwykle coś poszło nie tak i obrazek jest, jaki jest.
As always sth went wrong and the photo is what it is.